Q: How do I sign up?
A: You can call or text (905)321-3201 during business hours, e-mail 24/7 & even book servicing with-in our website.
Q: Do we sign a written agreement?
A: Agreements are not necessary but can be drafted up if desired.
Q: Do I have to sign up for the entire season?
A: Our season coverage is as early March 1st & payment is per service so you can cancel any time with no obligation.
Q: Is there any reward for signing on early to your route? A: Sign-on before April 1st an early bird sign-on bonus you get a free lawn edging our first visit & final edging for 16 weeks of service.
Q: What is included in the lawn care package?
A: With signing on early you receive a free lawn edging to start the season looking crisp. Followed by lawn mowing, weed whacking & leaf blowing of clippings. After 12 Weeks of service, you receive a final lawn edging free to start the winter season looking brisk.
Q: When do you complete service?
A: You can view the schedule of the group you've been put into when signing up for service here:
Q: Do you offer any on-call services?
A: We do offer on-call lawn servicing but try to complete during our days of service.
Q: What equipment will be used?
A: We use Milwaukee battery operated tools & have various lawn mowers. We do not currently have a ride on mower.
Q: How do you determine the cost & service provided?
A: We obtain the address required & use google maps to size the lawn for service. Upon agreement we quote the property and service bi-weekly.
Q: Do you provide garden service?
A: We do not service gardens currently but have connections to fill the spots.
Q: Can you service apartment buildings, farms & commercial properties?
A: We do not have ride on mowers currently but are always aiming to grow the services we can provide so should be able to provide this in the near future.
Q: Do you take the grass clippings, if any at all?
A: We do not take the grass clippings as the cut topping (if short enough) actually fertilizes the lawn naturally. If it is required, we charge $15/Organic bag.
Service - Time
Q: When do you come out to service?
A: We typically start at 8am until the route is finished or before 9pm. Starting in St. Catharines & working around the Niagara Region.
Q: How often do you service?
A: We typically service bi-weekly unless specified. Some properties only need to be done every 3 weeks.
Q: Do you offer any discounts?
A: For clients that provide multiple properties to manage, we have bulk pricing for all of our services. Lawns for lives
also is an ongoing year-round way for us to give back to the heroes in our community.
Q: What is the average cost for service?
A: We found the average size of lawn is roughly 2500 Sq. Ft. which comes to $40/Bi-Weekly.